There are various ways to donate to our organization. Some of them are so easy that you might forget that you are supporting what we do!
One-Time Donations.
Recurring Donations.
Purchase items from our Amazon WishList.
Everyday Shopping.
Various retailers donate a portion of your purchases to your favorite organization (hint: that means us!).
Amazon Smile
When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion (0.5%) of the purchase price to The Chick With Pits!
eBay for Charity
Through eBay for Charity, you can support our mission by doing the normal buying and selling you already do on eBay. Use this link to sell on behalf of our organization and view the items currently for sale.
PayPal Giving Fund
This is kind of like donating using the PayPal button at the top, but this waives any fees and also gives you the proper tax deduction documentation. Here is how PayPal describes it:
Browse the thousands of charities we list to find a cause you love.
When you donate, your donation goes to PayPal Giving Fund, a registered charity, and we’ll email you a donation receipt.
PayPal Giving Fund grants 100% of donations made through this site to charities.
That sounds good to us, so here is the link to our PayPal Giving Fund account.
Kroger Community Rewards
Before your next shopping trip at Kroger, link your Kroger Rewards card to the Kroger Community Rewards and support our organization while you shop! You still earn all your regular rewards and Kroger will donate a portion of your purchases to us. You can sign up here and search for us by name or by our ID number 50248.